Wish of the World

Discover the Power of Wishes!

Submit your wish, and it might get featured on our site. Each featured wish has the chance to catch the eye of someone who can make it happen!

New wish featured every day.

Join a community and witness the magic every 12 hours with our AI-generated image that's inspired by all the wishes made around the world.

12 hours:00 minutes:00 seconds until the next magical transformation of wishes into art!
Wish of the World Image

Total Wishes Made: 0

Make a Wish

In 500 characters or less, tell the world your wish. Remember, keep it positive and refrain from including sensitive personal info!

Enter your email to see how you impacted the next Wish World image

Please make sure your wish is appropriate and is community friendly.

Ready to make your wish? Just $0.99 to send it to the stars!